Monday, September 22, 2008

Sarah Palin's Yahoo Mail Account is Hacked

If you're a typical Yahoo mail user and you forget your password, you have to answer a series of questions before you can access your account. The questions are typically personal in nature and can typically only be answered by the account owner.

However, Sarah Palin's account was hacked because someone was able to figure out the answers to her personal questions through quick Web searches and mental logic. The full details can be found here . Basically, Ms. Palin's personal questions were:

1) Her birthday (answer found on Wikipedia)
2) Zip Code (Found at US Mail Website. The hacker knew she was from Wasilia, AK)
3) Where she met her spouse (Through some research, the hacker discovered that she eloped with her high school sweetheart, so the name of her high school was the answer)

The truth of the matter is that anyone who knows you well, friends and relatives for example, probably know enough to break into any of your Web based accounts if the site requires you answer personal questions when you forget your password. Think about the above three questions. How many people do you know that could answer all three of them?

1) Why would someone want to hack into Sarah Palin's account?
2) Do you think the hacker should be prosecuted?
3) Why would the hacker brag about hacking into the account?
4) Can you think of any personal questions that might be more difficult for someone to answer than the ones listed above? (Keep it clean!)